Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Yahoo for Brian!!!!!!!!!

I was having a really great day today and then it took a turn:( One of those days where it keeps getting worse. I had a great day at work it was a lot of fun today but then I got home and anyway not so good until Brian came home and told me Elk River fire department called him back and want an interview. He scored really high on the exams so I'm sooooo excited for him! His interview is this coming Monday in the evening and I'm sure after that interview it will be a week or so before we find out for sure but I feel good about it and if it's not meant to be it's not meant to be right?

Also, I give the children's sermon this Sunday at the church I work at:) I'm looking forward to it I love to talk to crowds of people. I always feel at peace about it especially when it's close to my heart and Jesus is as close to my heart as you can get so it's not to hard to talk about him!


Bethany said...

Hi there! Thanks so much for sharing your blog address with me. Now that everyone is in bed I have finally had time to sit down and check it out. You have been doing an amazing job! I can tell you are so full of love for your family and Jesus and life in general. Yey for you!!
Thanks for getting me started on this whole blog thing. Here is the one I have started for my photography passion. I'm only on day 4, but so far so good. :)

Time to be thinking about bed.

M.R.S. said...

Hi - finally! It's good to try new avenues of communication, but some take longer than others to get around to!. Your blog is fun and I enjoy hearing what the family is up to. Lots of luck on the Elk River thing!