Monday, April 14, 2008

Brian's 100 things coming soon...

I told Brian he should do a 100 things because they're so interesting to read, but he told me he can't think of anything. Then, last night when we were in bed he came up with 2:) I bet he'll keep adding more soon.
  1. Runs in to doorways on a daily basis
  2. Slips/falls while going up or down the stairs


Mary said...


susan said...

sounds a wee bit clumsy..he is a fireman isn't he???

only 99 to go (if he's got rebel in him too)...looking fwd to them. I'll get my husband to work on some too.. :)

momof3 said...

I know can you believe this clumsy man is a fireman? He is handsome though, so I'm sure people wouldn't mind having him save them even if he drops them a few times on the way out:)

susan said...

do you know I keep dropping massive unsubtle hints at my 11 year old son that he should be a I said "its dangerous, its responsible, you don't sit at a desk, its exciting and its considered one of the sexiest jobs for men by women" yes he's only 11, no he wasn't all that impressed and yes, I embarrassed him...that's my job :)

Miss said...

wow...what a clutz! =) haha, he sure doesnt look like one!

Miss said...

susan...your story cracks me up! =) haha!!