Monday, April 7, 2008

Cute prayers:)

I haven't posted in a while. My weekend was great Saturday was awesome because we were able to all be outside for most of the day it was beautiful. We went for a walk around the block and Liam discovered worms. When he saw one he said "ewww grosss!" when we asked him why he thought worms were gross he said "because they'll kill me!" when we told him that worms wouldn't kill him he replied "well they're crazy silly!". He's so silly I love him to pieces.

Last night when we prayed with Liam he did his "moon" prayer this is what we call it when we say this prayer "I see the moon and the moon sees me, God bless the moon and God bless me". Except I let Liam make up his own version so sometimes it's the moon, but sometimes he says it to the grass, the gator, the car, the sandbox, the gate, the houses, the neighbors, basically anything he can see out his window:) Last night he saw a bird and wanted to say it to the bird, but he was upset because the bird wouldn't look at him when he was saying it but he ended up saying it anyway like this "I see the bird and the bird sees me, God bless the bird and God bless me....Mom the bird isn't looking at me it's still not looking at me I want to see if it's cute or not:)" LOL!

The same night Liam said that prayer Aurora said this one "God thank you for this day, please watch over the children in Africa, all of the soldiers, and all of the seals in the world, but not so much the sharks Lord because they kill the seals. And please make Amy and Joe not move so Emma can still be my neighbor. Amen" I love my children's prayers how much cuter can you get they're so innocent and beautiful in their words. So trusting and full of faith even at this young age. When I ask Liam where Jesus is he touches his neck...he's trying to show you his heart but close enough it's soooo cute:)


Miss said...

oh so sweet! I agree, there is NOTHING more precious than hearing my kids pray! Although, I think Tate would have to fight Aurora about not protecting the sharks...He is IN LOVE with sharks, I am not sure why or how he ever even first heard of them, but for about 2 years he has been fasinated by them! =)

Mary said...

So cute!

susan said...

they sound so adorable...

We had a shark attck near here today...a few hours away but still near enough...and this poor 16 year old died while surfing with his best mate. So sad, so yeah, tonight I'm not feeling warm fuzzies for sharks...tomorrow I may feel different but I just saw the news...
maybe your children could pray for the family tonight and then the shark tomorrow...that's fair ?? :)

Mamie said...

That is really cute!

Barbara said...

That is sweet - thanks for sharing. He sounds very sensitive!