Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My 100 things

O.k. I've been tagged to do this... Let's see how I do!
  1. I love my kids
  2. I love my husband
  3. I love my life
  4. I love my job
  5. I loathe mushrooms
  6. I play piano and gave lessons when I was a single mom
  7. I was a single mom for 4 1/2 years
  8. I had my daughter when I was 17 1/2
  9. I graduated from highschool when I was 17
  10. I enrolled in college and started full time when I was 17
  11. I started renting my very own low-income apartment with my daughter Aurora on my 18th birthday.
  12. I love being independent
  13. I'm very laid back, but also very crazy with my family in a fun way
  14. I am a clean freak I clean every night that means sweep, vacuum, mop, dishes, dust, every night.
  15. Lilacs are my favorite flower
  16. My favorite color is purple
  17. I love the Vikings even when they lose
  18. I love football
  19. I have a Mercedes 190E and I adore it
  20. My husband is caring, loving, respectful, and kind (to everyone), and has faith in God which is why I love him so much.
  21. I'm very loud like my Dad
  22. I love the military and if I didn't have so many kids I would be in Officer's training some where.
  23. I found Jesus or he found me when I became pregnant with my daughter. I grew up having that faith but it truly became more important when I had Aurora.
  24. I don't like adult feet accidentally touching me it freaks me out
  25. If I weren't married to Brian I would be living in Florida by my Grandpa
  26. If Brian "goes before me" (you know what I mean) I'll hightail it to Florida so fast I'll have to have my things shipped to me.
  27. I'm a worry wart with my children
  28. I don't let my children open their upstairs windows because I'm afraid they'll fall out and die that's how much I worry...
  29. Sunny days brighten my spirits and quicken my step
  30. Long cloudy winter days really test my patience and strength I feel I can barely make it out of bed.
  31. I love to cook
  32. I hate to bake
  33. I bake chocolate chip cookies almost weekly for my children and husband and they're pretty darn good
  34. The kids always help me with the cookies ALWAYS because they enjoy it so much
  35. I don't like ice cream, popsicles, or anything along those lines
  36. I love brownies
  37. I love movies all kinds
  38. My family has a weekly "family fun night" held on Friday nights and we love it it's all about us
  39. My Uncle Johnny taught me chess
  40. I can kick my husband's butt at chess usually...
  41. I always win Scrabble against Brian because he can't spell:)
  42. Brian always beats me at Lord of the Rings Trivia
  43. I beat Brian at Friends Trivia and I'll take anyone on and win I know everything about Friends..I really could use some competition anyone?
  44. I'm in Love with Bruce Willis
  45. I'm in Love with John Wayne (yes, I know he's dead)
  46. If we would've had another boy after Liam his name would've been Everett
  47. I picked out Carys' middle name the night I was in labor and Brian hated it I told him I didn't care what he thought about the name I'm the pregnant one!
  48. Brian loves loves loves her middle name now:)
  49. It's Rhea-Lou after her great grandma and my dad:) And it's unique, meaningful, and beautiful.
  50. I never found out about my children's sex when I was pregnant I just knew
  51. I painted Carys' room purple and told Brian when we were at the hospital that we're going to have a girl
  52. He said he kind of figured I felt that way when I painted the room purple :)
  53. I'm a quick typer
  54. I love going for walks
  55. I never had my babies on time
  56. I've been induced every time
  57. I'm not sure what direction I'll take now that I'm graduated
  58. I'm stubborn
  59. I hate admitting I'm wrong to my husband but it doesn't bother me other wise haha don't you hate that!
  60. I have a great friend Mary and we crack each other up and we're honest with each other!
  61. I don't have any regrets not so far, they make us who we are
  62. I love horses
  63. I want to move somewhere that I can have 2 horses
  64. I love rabbits
  65. I have this frog thing, I can't resist a cute thing with frogs on it. I love frog decorations
  66. Brian hates frogs so I've down sized my collection
  67. I can't go to bed without checking on my kids
  68. If I miss their bedtime for a work function I feel really awful
  69. I love chocolate
  70. I hate pasta and Italian food
  71. Seafood is scrumptious!
  72. I love naps
  73. I love it when it's really hot, 80 and above is my kind of weather and I live for those days
  74. Don't get mad but after 3 kids I'm still a size 0 or 2 in some jeans, but a 0 at anthropologie
  75. I love to eat
  76. Chipotle had me hooked years and years ago they have great burritos
  77. I would love to eat Mexican more, but my kids can't handle too spicy yet and that's how I love it.
  78. I chose my job for 3 reasons
  79. I love to teach
  80. It allows me a TON of time at home with my family
  81. It's Christian based teaching
  82. My graduating class was 30-40 and I thought that was normal
  83. I love who I am
  84. I'm a confident person
  85. I'm VERY hard to shock or surprise I think I was born with out that "button" so when people tell me things they think I'm not interested, but I am I promise.
  86. I don't like fake people or really fake happy people
  87. I don't ever wear lipstick
  88. During the summer I wear mascara and it's awesome not to worry about anything else
  89. During the winter I wear mascara and loose mineral translucent powder because I think foundation makes people look orange and creepy
  90. I love road trips to Florida we always drive cross country, much better than a plane.
  91. Thunderstorms are AWESOME!!!!!!
  92. My kids make me laugh and smile
  93. My kids make me grumble things under my breath and grit my teeth
  94. I'm not a restaurant my kids eat what I make or don't eat
  95. I'm BLUNT very BLUNT I'm told this all the time by people. Why mess around just tell it how it is right? I guess my Dad is blunt too.
  96. My Mom is the perfect Mom
  97. My Dad is the perfect Dad
  98. I love my siblings
  99. I'm proud of what I've accomplished
  100. It took me 7 years to graduate from college with a B.S., but I have over 120 credits!!!!!
  101. I'm a rebel too:) So here's my 101


Mary said...

Those were fun to read! I will do mine this week, I promise. Maybe when the kids are sleeping, if I can get Liam to sleep =)

susan said...

Bravo...its sort of hard to do isn't it?? I like yours...
hats off to you becoming a mother so young!!
and... sorry but I do hate you that you are so small...even if I starved myself I would never be that small, so I don't starve myself and I'm NOT small!! haha

Mamie said...

I'm jealous of #14.

Miss said...

YEAH! I am glad I read this...I didnt know most of those things about you! =)

Miss said...

YEAH! I am so glad you did this! I did not know most of these things about you.

My question do you have the ENERGY to clean everything EVERY NIGHT? I just am too tired!

Bethany said...

That was great! I'm with you on the Chipotle thing. If they had a drive thru I'd eat burritos all the time (having to take all the kids in is a bit painful right now). I love thunderstorms, too! Now that we have a house I'm not such a fan of the hail and whatnot that comes with them, but I still get so excited. I used to want to be a storm chaser when I grew up. :) Thanks for sharing all that fun stuff about you!

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

hi! thanks for checking out my now i am checking yours! i love the FRIENDS game! i don't know if i could beat you, you sound pretty confident!
so what time do you start cleaning at night and what time do you end?

momof3 said...

Katie we'll have to play the Friends game for sure! I start cleaning the floors on tue/thur right when I get home @ 3 so then it's done by the time Brian gets home with the kids and I can just play with them. It takes me about 30 minutes to sweep, mop, vacuum and then the dishes and everything else I do when the kids are sleeping. On Mon/wed/fri I start cleaning after supper at 5 and then I can enjoy the night. And on Sundays it's heavy duty cleaning! It sounds like a lot but my house is very small only 1800 sq ft. and only 600 on the main floor which is where the daily cleaning takes place the kids' rooms I do on weekends along with the downstairs. So not to tough really.:)

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

I love having things clean but somehow it always feels messy...I wish I had your ambition! :)