Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Carys said her first full sentence!!!!!!!!!

O.K. my daughter Carys is not quite 2 and although she does talk she doesn't talk in full sentences yet. She usually speaks in two word sentences or just says one word at a time, but the other day when she was sick she came up and laid by me on the couch and patted me and said "this is your boob" I said what? and then she said it again! I can't believe her first full sentence was that! And why? Maybe she had fond flashbacks of being nursed haha I'm not sure but it was pretty funny. I guess she's just really impressed by my small rack:)


Bethany said...

Too funny!!!

susan said...

well, congratulations on a full sentence! funny story indeed, I am rather well endowed-too much so -I know everyone wants what they don't have!! I am jealous of your small rack, as you put it!

Hamish who is two in July, recently strung two very distinct words together...he said...wait for it..."go away"...he's child number four!! poor love we were still very proud xx :)

Mary said...

Hahaha. Cute Carys! She must be used to her nanny's big nursing boobs =)

Moments In Time said...

Tucker is almost 2 and has like 3 words he says total! =)

Anonymous said...

Maybe she was just trying to clear things up for you, cuz it's kinda hard to tell. You kow, just trying to help out where she can!
(While snacking on Legos...)