Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Best nanny ever!

Most people don't get the pleasure of having a nanny, but I fortunately have the best one ever! Better than Super Nanny, she's Batman Nanny which is what Liam calls her.

First of all I tried staying home with my kids and it was great, but I do love teaching so much and it allows me so much time with my kids. I get to wake up with them, get them all dressed, eat breakfast together, and drop my oldest one off at school and then I'm home before she even gets off the bus. I have a ton of days off through the year, Easter break, Christmas break, all summer off, nights, weekends, and if my kids are sick no problem I get to stay home with no hesitations!

But one of my conditions of going back to work was to let the kids be able to stay home with someone great like a family member or friend and with the grace of God right when I was looking for a nanny Mary was available and looking for a part time nanny job so that she could be with Phili. God always makes things work out, He always knows what is best for you. I prayed and prayed about going back to work and worried about the guilt I would feel leaving my babies at home while I went to work, but I know God wanted me to teach. I get to teach about Him every day and spread the word about Jesus and all his friends. I knew that if it worked out finding a nanny it was meant to be and if not then I would not be working and try to stay home a bit longer with my kids I had to have faith in it all.

I knew after the perfect timing with Mary that God had answered my questions. Mary is if you don't know my best friend, we didn't grow up together, we haven't known each other long, and I thought she was wayyyyy toooo pretty when I first met her! But we clicked instantly about 6 years ago and have been there for each other ever since through babies, weddings, ups, downs, and gossip sessions about our husbands:) She loves my kids and is very protective of them. I know they're safe with her and I know they have fun with her. I am always happy to see her in the morning and wish I could skip work just to visit with her all day and play with our kids. She is always in a great happy mood and is WONDERFUL with children. My kids love her, Phili and Richie and they're always happy to see them, well...except for Carys she's usually mad the first 2 minutes I have to leave and gets over it quickly;)

This is what my kids said about Mary when I asked them this tonight, "why do you love Mary?"

Aurora: Because of her personality, she's funny, she likes to play with us, she's good with kids, she lets us eat a lot, and I love her mostly because she's just a great wonderful person.

Liam: Because she has hairy arms, she gives me cereal, she gives me fruit roll ups, she gave me a candy bar, and she spins me around like this (moving arms really fast).

Carys: Can't tell me, but she does say Mary!

Thanks for all you do Mary we love you!


susan said...

she sounds divine, you are so lucky :)

Mary said...

Aww...that is so sweet. It made me cry! I love your family so much too. I am so blessed to "work" for you. Although, it never feels like work =) That is hilarious about hairy arms!! Hahahaha...

Miss said...

SHE IS a wonderful lady, isnt she? =) And hairy arms...your kids are SOOO lucky! =) haha

Mamie said...

Wow, who's this Mary girl? :) Who wouldn't love Mary??

Bethany said...

I'm so glad you have someone so special to watch your kids. Growing up, my mom worked part-time and we were lucky enough to have an amazing woman named Pearl take care of us. She was with us for years and even when we were far too old to need to be watched (like in high school) my parents would still have her come sometimes when they would go out of town. She had the best laugh and really loved us. I hadn't thought of that in a long time. Such great memories. I always said that if I went back to work I'd have to find a Pearl first. So glad you found yours.
Yey for Mary! And that means that my little ones get to have "Miss Julie" for a wonderful teacher at school. Thank you Mary!!

Jen gurl said...

That was SO nice of you, Julie! I can't believe the love Mary has for kids...my kids adore her too:)