Sunday, March 30, 2008

What a great weekend!

This weekend was a blast. I was able to finish painting my hallway one bathroom and finish decorating Aurora's room yay! Saturday night my parents came over to watch the kids so Brian and I could attend the firefighters appreciation dinner/dance. It was a lot of fun this year, there was karaoke, a D.J., games, and awesome food. If you don't know already prime rib is my favorite food in the whole wide world and that's what they served, SCORE! They also had free tap beer which Brian appreciated very much me on the other hand just had water and Dr.Pepper all night since I was driving. I tried to get Brian to dance more but unfortunately he hates dancing. He did dance with me a little bit though! While we were out having fun the kids had a blast with grandma and grandpa they love it when they come over to babysit them. Today was just a lazy day for us as it is my last official day of spring break and I go back to work tomorrow. Brian had a house burn that he went to today so he didn't get home until about 2:00 but we're looking forward to a peaceful and lazy night together. So that was our weekend we hope everyone else had a great weekend and enjoyed the mild weather!


Mary said...

The rooms look really good. You did a great job! You should put up a pic of Aurora's cute decorations.

momof3 said...

I was going to but I am frustrated with my camera I need a new one in the worst possible way!