Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Aurora's great day!

O.k. I'm finally getting ready to see the movie "I am Legend" Brian and I rented it tonight. I don't know why I do it, but I always get scary movies and then I can't sleep or have Brian leave my side for like a week. I'm a big scaredy cat! I hope it's as good as I think it will be.

Also I have to share news about Aurora. She had her class Mass today and all went well. She's a fantastic reader and read today in front of the congregation. She also got to act out a script while Father Glenn read the story of Judas betraying Jesus. It was very cute:) I love it that she has the confidence to do that in front of a ton of people. Some kids are so shy but not Aurora. She likes to act shy some times but when push comes to shove she really has a great strength in her. As she gets older I hope it shines through more and more. If you don't know Aurora she has very strong feelings toward almost every thing. She truly wears her heart on her sleeve she feels every thing about 100x more than every one else does. If somebody hurts her feelings they really hurt them, if she's feeling sad she's feeling really sad, if she's feeling happy she's really happy, if she's laughing she's really laughing hard. So it's really great that she can get up and do what she does with out being nervous, it's a great gift.


Miss said...

cute about Aurora! =)

Also, Iam Legand isnt overly scary! did you like it??

momof3 said...

It wasn't very scary at all. I thought it was supposed to be pretty freaky, but I really liked it. I love pretty much any movie though so I am not a good movie critic.

susan said...

I was terrified by that movie, my husband and I saw it together, we had nightmares!! When we went some people had taken quite young children which we couldn't believe. I banned my older ones from seeing I may re-think....maybe its not so scary in the comfort of your own home and the children WILL handle it...or maybe their mother will :)
Nice that your daughter has such confidence, that's great :):)