Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Say what?

My daughter Carys has a new talent. We've known this for a couple weeks but it is too cute not to share. She can point to her butt and say "poop" "poop butt" and how wonderful is that you ask? Well it's fantastic because not only can she talk the talk but she can walk the walk and actually back up her words with proof! Proof that yes, Carys has pooped hooray! If you don't have kids this means that she is almost ready for potty training. Once she can acknowledge and tell adults when she needs to go to the bathroom or when she has that means she's really close. It's been a long time since I haven't needed to buy diapers around here and while I don't want to rush my children in to growing up it's really exciting when they start to hit new milestones. Even though she's my third one I'm as exited as I was for when Aurora was ready. It's the simple things that count at our house. Besides the whole potty training thing she's also really cute when she says it:)


Mary said...

Although she is very cute when she says it, the cuteness is by far overshadowed by the fear when I realize I have to change that poopy diaper! :P Haha...just kidding I love that girl!

susan said...

oh I had almost this exact phrase come from my youngest, Hamish just yesterday. I called my husband at work to tell him I was so excited...how grown up is that! How old is Carys?? Hamish is 20 months... :)
I hope potty training goes well...

momof3 said...

What a great name, Hamish! Carys is 21 months old this month and it goes by so fast.