Monday, March 17, 2008

Blogging?????NO WAY!

Never in a million years did I think I would have a blog. It all seemed like a lot of work and a lot of time spent on the computer and who has time for that? When ever I go any where near the parameter of the computer or the phone my kids suddenly need me more than they've ever needed me before. My best friend Mary explained just how easy it was and if she can do it I know I can do it ;) I mean that with love. So here I am making time for myself blogging and I actually enjoy it! It will be my new alone time how great a feeling to have something new and fun to try. And I'll finally have some where great to post all those funny, stressful, humbling, heart melting, fist wrenching, preposterous things that my kids say and do.


Mary said...

You are going to love blogging! I can't wait to read about your funny kids. I love them!

Mamie said...

Mary forwarded me your blog address...glad I made the cut. :) Sam will love seeing pictures of "wee-um".

Barbara said...

I was reading Rachel's blog and recognized your picture! I just started a blog recently and have enjoyed writing. I like the way you have started yours!
Mary's Aunt

Miss said...

welcome to the addicting world of blogs! =)

susan said...

hey, I am a totally "normal" internet friend of miss...I saw you comment there. I too have just started a blog for what seems to be similar reasons as you. I am not into it everyday, I think I'm a bit boring for that. But I do like it as 'me' time...I shall enjoy reading your blog...Hello... :)