Thursday, March 20, 2008

America-Home of the Brave, Land that I Love

Aurora wrote a great essay on patriotism. Her school posted it on their website. For any family members or friends wanting to read it you can go to and click on school on the top bar, once at school click on web pages which is on the left hand side of the screen, once at web pages click on student work page which is at the bottom and that's it you're there. They have a few essays up from grade 3 and Aurora is one of them. Congratulations Aurora!

Oh, and just to let you know right after we watched "I am Legend" last night which wasn't too scary, but it was a little bit for me:) Brian was paged in to work, so he had to leave me after midnight and didn't get home until 2:00! I almost slept with Aurora, but I held it together and watched the food network and played on here until he came home. Thank goodness that movie wasn't scarier I don't think I could've kept my imagination at bay with Brian gone. Next time I'm not renting a scary movie if he's on call I've learned my lesson. I swear I return to little girl status after watching those things. Haha you know turning off the light and running as fast as you can to the bed and then jumping so no scary monsters grab your feet! Or not daring to go to the bathroom with the door closed because some thing might be in there like one of those mutated people from "I am Legend" just waiting behind the towel bar or in the shower to jump out at you. Haha o.k. I'm really not that bad, but you can see where my creative imaginative side would get me in trouble.


Mary said...

Good job Aurora!1 I can't believe you were up so late last night. You didn't seem tired this morning! Thanks for letting Manny fill in for me today. He had fun. Have a good vacation!!

susan said...

Ah you were frightened by it!! I'm glad, sorry, but I was thinking I was a bit too much of a chicken :)

momof3 said...

I admit I was scared of it:) I am a huge chicken with scary movies!