Sunday, March 30, 2008

What a great weekend!

This weekend was a blast. I was able to finish painting my hallway one bathroom and finish decorating Aurora's room yay! Saturday night my parents came over to watch the kids so Brian and I could attend the firefighters appreciation dinner/dance. It was a lot of fun this year, there was karaoke, a D.J., games, and awesome food. If you don't know already prime rib is my favorite food in the whole wide world and that's what they served, SCORE! They also had free tap beer which Brian appreciated very much me on the other hand just had water and Dr.Pepper all night since I was driving. I tried to get Brian to dance more but unfortunately he hates dancing. He did dance with me a little bit though! While we were out having fun the kids had a blast with grandma and grandpa they love it when they come over to babysit them. Today was just a lazy day for us as it is my last official day of spring break and I go back to work tomorrow. Brian had a house burn that he went to today so he didn't get home until about 2:00 but we're looking forward to a peaceful and lazy night together. So that was our weekend we hope everyone else had a great weekend and enjoyed the mild weather!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Does anyone else?

I've had some very serious questions come up from time to time in my head and thought now would be a great time to ask since I have a blog. When ever I make chocolate chip cookies which is a ton since my kids and husband devour them on a daily basis I always wonder "does anyone else like chocolate chip cookies with out the chocolate chips?" This is strange because I don't like chocolate chips in my cookies but I love them outside of my cookies. I freeze them and eat them as a snack. I put the least amount of chocolate chips in my cookies as I can get away with because I think they spoil the cookie. So I really want to know am I the only one?

Also, my son Liam loves theme songs not songs with words, but theme songs...original compositions made for movies. For example he knows the Superman theme song, Indiana Jones theme song, Pirates of the Caribbean theme, Star Wars theme, Space Balls theme, and so much more, now I know they don't have words but he can sing (hum or sing dadadada to the tune) of all of them with out the movie if you just ask. And no he does not watch movies or t.v. a ton he's only allowed t.v. time at certain times of the day for short periods, like when Carys takes a nap he's allowed to watch something. It's amazing that he memorizes them and then instead of wanting to watch the movie he just wants you to keep rewinding it so he can listen to the song over and over again. He does love the movie too and will watch it if you just tell him you're not going to rewind it. Are there any other 3 year olds out there obsessed with theme songs or is it just mine? And what does this mean? I wonder if he'll be a composer when he grows up how exciting! So I just need to know because ya know how we all have our "weird" thing I think this might be Liam's. It is pretty cool though maybe he'll compose a song to me someday haha!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter was very yummy this year!

Good ham, good green bean casserole, good rolls, fruit, party potatoes, cinnamon rolls, and great candy! The kids loved finding their Easter baskets, I hide them and give them a piece of paper with clues on it. Over all very nice I just wish we could've gotten outside for our Easter egg hunt, but it was too gross. :( The best part is I have 7 more days at home with my kids before I go back to work! And can you believe it Liam is still asleep and it's 9:46 a.m. my time. He usually has to wake up by 7:00 because I like to see them, get them dressed, and make them breakfast before I leave for work. I'm sure he needs all the sleep he can get he's a growing boy now. I hope every one had a great Easter:)

Friday, March 21, 2008

Spring/Easter Break Day 1

My first day of "break" was filled with work, but fun fulfilling work if that makes sense to any one who loves to get things done like me. First I just laid on the couch with Carys for about an hour and we watched mickey mouse and then some of the Today show which I love. It was great to snuggle with her and not have to worry about going in to work. She's such a love bug some times. Next it was off to getting things accomplished; we all painted Aurora's room together except for Carys because by the time we had it ready to paint it was time for her nap, but Liam and Aurora helped paint and they did a fantastic job at it! If you don't know what Aurora's room looked like it was adorable with different shades of pink made in to a checker pattern but that was four years ago and through those four years some how it ended up looking like a graffiti hang out spot...I wonder how that happened;) So she picked out a lovely shade of brown with some fun things that can stick to the wall I'll post a picture when it's complete.

Project #2 hang closet shelves. After moving our bedroom downstairs two years ago my husband finally put up our closet shelves yahoooooo! Which meant I was able to clean and organize some more which I actually enjoy doing.

Last project of the day: I stained my bathroom trim so that Brian can finally get it nailed to the wall.

So that was it. That's what my whole family worked on today. Not very exciting to other people but I am sure every one knows how great it feels to check things off your "to do" list.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

America-Home of the Brave, Land that I Love

Aurora wrote a great essay on patriotism. Her school posted it on their website. For any family members or friends wanting to read it you can go to and click on school on the top bar, once at school click on web pages which is on the left hand side of the screen, once at web pages click on student work page which is at the bottom and that's it you're there. They have a few essays up from grade 3 and Aurora is one of them. Congratulations Aurora!

Oh, and just to let you know right after we watched "I am Legend" last night which wasn't too scary, but it was a little bit for me:) Brian was paged in to work, so he had to leave me after midnight and didn't get home until 2:00! I almost slept with Aurora, but I held it together and watched the food network and played on here until he came home. Thank goodness that movie wasn't scarier I don't think I could've kept my imagination at bay with Brian gone. Next time I'm not renting a scary movie if he's on call I've learned my lesson. I swear I return to little girl status after watching those things. Haha you know turning off the light and running as fast as you can to the bed and then jumping so no scary monsters grab your feet! Or not daring to go to the bathroom with the door closed because some thing might be in there like one of those mutated people from "I am Legend" just waiting behind the towel bar or in the shower to jump out at you. Haha o.k. I'm really not that bad, but you can see where my creative imaginative side would get me in trouble.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Aurora's great day!

O.k. I'm finally getting ready to see the movie "I am Legend" Brian and I rented it tonight. I don't know why I do it, but I always get scary movies and then I can't sleep or have Brian leave my side for like a week. I'm a big scaredy cat! I hope it's as good as I think it will be.

Also I have to share news about Aurora. She had her class Mass today and all went well. She's a fantastic reader and read today in front of the congregation. She also got to act out a script while Father Glenn read the story of Judas betraying Jesus. It was very cute:) I love it that she has the confidence to do that in front of a ton of people. Some kids are so shy but not Aurora. She likes to act shy some times but when push comes to shove she really has a great strength in her. As she gets older I hope it shines through more and more. If you don't know Aurora she has very strong feelings toward almost every thing. She truly wears her heart on her sleeve she feels every thing about 100x more than every one else does. If somebody hurts her feelings they really hurt them, if she's feeling sad she's feeling really sad, if she's feeling happy she's really happy, if she's laughing she's really laughing hard. So it's really great that she can get up and do what she does with out being nervous, it's a great gift.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Say what?

My daughter Carys has a new talent. We've known this for a couple weeks but it is too cute not to share. She can point to her butt and say "poop" "poop butt" and how wonderful is that you ask? Well it's fantastic because not only can she talk the talk but she can walk the walk and actually back up her words with proof! Proof that yes, Carys has pooped hooray! If you don't have kids this means that she is almost ready for potty training. Once she can acknowledge and tell adults when she needs to go to the bathroom or when she has that means she's really close. It's been a long time since I haven't needed to buy diapers around here and while I don't want to rush my children in to growing up it's really exciting when they start to hit new milestones. Even though she's my third one I'm as exited as I was for when Aurora was ready. It's the simple things that count at our house. Besides the whole potty training thing she's also really cute when she says it:)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Blogging?????NO WAY!

Never in a million years did I think I would have a blog. It all seemed like a lot of work and a lot of time spent on the computer and who has time for that? When ever I go any where near the parameter of the computer or the phone my kids suddenly need me more than they've ever needed me before. My best friend Mary explained just how easy it was and if she can do it I know I can do it ;) I mean that with love. So here I am making time for myself blogging and I actually enjoy it! It will be my new alone time how great a feeling to have something new and fun to try. And I'll finally have some where great to post all those funny, stressful, humbling, heart melting, fist wrenching, preposterous things that my kids say and do.