Saturday, July 19, 2008

Aurora's 9?!

Alright, so I've been SUPER busy with work and hiring a new teacher, organizing, getting ready to welcome back all 76 students in the fall! I've also been busy writing a proposal and a budget proposal so that we can add on 4 more classes next school year adding 56 more kids to our awesome preschool which is much needed in the community. So usually when I'm at my computer I'm doing that stuff. But today I decided to play with my blog and check up on others:)

Aurora's 9 now! Oh man, where does the time go? She's beautiful, head strong, but sensitive, and she definitely has an opinion. All great qualities if you ask me. Brian and I took her to Nick Universe for her birthday and brought Liam along she just loved it. We all had such a great time. After that we all went to Olive Garden in Maple Grove and met family there to celebrate with her and eat some disgusting Italian food yuck! I had breadsticks though and those were quite good. We finished the fun day up at our house with some cheese cake, chocolate cake, icecream, and presents. Aurora was smiles all day:)

My kids and I have definitely been enjoying the summer. It's been very calm and stress free at our house. We're outside all the time except for rest time which is when Care-Bear takes a nap, Liam rests, and Aurora is forced to read! (What an awful mom I am) Aurora and I made a list of things we wanted to do as a family over our summer break and we have yet to go to Big Lake beach which is high on her list of things to do. I'm committed to making it there with the kids this week! We also want to go to Minehaha Falls, Science Museum, o.k. I guess I should go because this is the second time that our tornado sirens are going off so down to the basement we go!


Jen gurl said...

FYI, in case you have not heard, Big Lake beach has chiggers (or swimmers itch). I had a friend take her kids there last week and they all are itching like crazy!!? Just thought I would let you know!

Mamie said...

You waited until the second set of sirens? You're brave. I remember taking Aurora to Big Lake beach about 5 or 6 years ago! My how time flies. I think she was palying hooky from little lambs (remember when I came and busted her outta there?)

momof3 said...

Thanks Jen I guess I'm not going to Big Lake this week. I wonder how long till the coast is clear there?

Mamie, Aurora still remembers when you came and busted her outta little lambs haha! Her teachers were so mad:)

Mary said...

Ick!! I din't know that about Big Lake. I'm glad we haven't been there! Aurora's come a long way since her "Tooty Tot" days =)

Barbara said...

I had to go to Urgent Care the other night - my doctor thinks I may have chiggers from being in Chicago. I was so miserable they gave me a shot of benedryl - it knocked me out immedately and I couldn't get off the table. They had to call Curt to come get me!!

susan said...

Ewwww...what is chiggers???? sounds like a little bug that bites??? Glad you avoided that!
Sounds like you have been mega busy...time really does fly when you have children to mark the years for you. The older I am getting the more time for me goes slowly but watching my children grow makes me realise it's racing by...does that make sense. I used to not understand whn my mother said to me say at age 60 "oh I feel the same as when I was 18" I'm getting what she meant.

momof3 said...

Totally makes sense to me Susan and chiggers are little bugs that get in your skin and make you itch...they're disgusting but at least we don't have deadly jelly fish:)

momof3 said...

Totally makes sense to me Susan and chiggers are little bugs that get in your skin and make you itch...they're disgusting but at least we don't have deadly jelly fish:)

momof3 said...

Oh man Barb! I didn't know you could get chiggers that bad that's crazy I wonder if you're super sensitive to them or if anyone could get them that bad?