Monday, May 5, 2008

Graduate school or bust!

I feel as excited to start graduate school as I would be to hit up Vegas! I'll be registering in a couple days for School Counseling! How exciting! At the same time I feel nervous and rushed at it all. For the most part I was looking forward to being a lazy bum with my kids all summer, but now I might have a couple courses to take and then what? I'm good at managing my time so I'm sure I'll be fine and I can always do my work at night when the kids go to bed, that is after all how I earned my B.S. degree. And these first courses are online so that helps.

Oh well, I have to do it because it's been my goal ever since I was that pregnant teenager that I'm sure so many people thought would go no where. I never set goals for those people I set goals high for me because I felt I had a purpose when ever I was on my way to school or received my grades at the end of the semester I always felt like "yeah, that's right this single mom can work, raise a child, and get good grades in college!" What's too hard for me? Nothing. Actually I just love school so much I love to learn new things and meet new people and I feel like I'm setting a good example for my kids. If they dare tell me school is too hard and they can't manage all of their homework, blah blah boy do I have stories for them that will make the ashamed of even complaining:)

Now all I have to do is pray for God's guidance through school and work and family to find that happy balance again that I haven't used in almost a year since that's how long I've been on "vacation" from school.


susan said...

tell me more about what you are going to be studying. You have used some abbreiviations that I don't understand??? I'm sure we'd have the same degrees here I just can't follow yet... you. You must be so proud of yourself. I'm looking forward to hearing about your studies along the way.
You sound so motivated which I believe is half the degree done. With age comes desire to learn and that seems invaluable to me :)

momof3 said...

A B.S. degree is a four year degree that is bachelor of science. I have my B.S. in Community Psychology which is very similar to a social work degree and then I have my minor degree in Child and Family Studies, that's a lot of child psychology and family roles and family dynamics. My graduate degree is going to be on school counseling so that when I graduate I can get licensed and work in a school setting of some kind or just work with kids some way, but it doesn't need to be in a school setting necessarily.

susan said...

That sounds very interesting. Daunting as being a nurse I know about some of the stuff you would come into contact with. You are very brave to launch into a field like that. Its very necessary work and I take my hat off to you. :)

Bethany said...

Yey for you! Way to go on setting goals and going after them. How long will the program take?

momof3 said...

I'm not really sure how long it will take me, I'm planning on going slow. Maybe 3 years?

Mary said...

You've worked very hard to get where you are today. I am so proud of you!

Melissa said...

I found you through a series of links starting with Miss and Brood...funny how this cyber world works. :)

I loved reading this. I'm also pondering going back to get a post-masters certification in school psych...I see some definite similarities in our lives.

your kids are darling!

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

Just wanted to say good luck! That is very exciting!

susan said...

where are you????? I keep checking in but all I keep seeing is this very old post about going back to school...are you busy or something!! ????? :)