Friday, March 6, 2009

Quick post!

I feel I've neglected my blog, can a blog be neglected?

I have been pretty busy, but the business has an end in sight as we move from winter to spring and shortly after spring I get to stay home all summer with my wonderful kids!!! I'm extremely excited!

I'm sorry for not posting more but every time I'm on the computer it's school work or updating my preschool's blog, which needs to be done tonight sometime...

We're teaching a bible study again at my preschool starting in April so I'm very excited for that, if anyone is interested email me and I can give you the details.

The kids are all great, but cranky today, Liam isn't feeling well and they need spring to come! I need spring to come.

I've been back and forth on whether or not to visit Florida (my Grandpa's house) this summer, I still cry easily over it and I am completely not even close to over it, but if I don't go I think I will regret it...but it will be different and maybe I'm not ready to face it with out him...

Have a great weekend, and I'll try to blog more!


Mary said...

I think it's great you're leading a Bible study! I hope little man is feeling better. Miss ya!

Bethany said...

Hi there! I think of you often. Can you believe that the end of the school year will be here soon?! Mr. M will be in 1st grade next year. I still remember like it was yesterday bringing him to you. You guys prepared him so well for school. I hope you know how amazing you are!! Take care, Bethany