Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Busy and loving it!!!!!!

I am soooo busy, but loving it! I love the challenges of work, school, and parenthood. I don't know what I'd do with out some obstacles in life.

At work I'm preparing for our open house/registration night, it's a very busy couple of months because I'm registering current families for next year, church families, and of course new families. There's a lot of paperwork, tours, and calls to be returned...but it's fun. I love the reputation our preschool has and it thrills me that we fill up fast, but also makes me sad that I can't give everyone a spot for their child. I'm trying to get an expansion approved so that we can add on more classes...I'll find out more later on this month.

At school I started some new classes that require using the DSM, so I'm pretty excited about it because I'll be able to learn about a ton of different mental disorders and how to record and observe them:)

At home surprisingly quiet...for now!

Christmas was very quiet. We didn't go anywhere. We didn't even get dressed, but stayed in our pj's all day and played games. It was fun, but of course missing someone very special. A couple days before Christmas my Grandpa's china hutch was delivered here and that was a really hard day. It smells like him and his house, I just stuck my head in it and smelled it throughout the day, I'm still doing that! I hope it never stops smelling like him...it smells like Florida to me. It was a great day though and we had a very yummy ham dinner at night. The kids all loved their presents, which we kept pretty simple. I hope you all had a great Christmas!


Me Addison And Our Boys said...

Hi! Found my way over to your blog again...you sound so busy it's great that you like it that way!

Sorry to hear about your Grandpa. It totally sucks! My Grandpa died about 2 months before Logan was born and I still miss him SO much. I'm glad you have so many awesome memories of him.

Mary said...

Thanks for posting again!! I miss you guys. It was so good to see you all over break. See ya soon! Love ya

Anonymous said...

Ms. Julie,
Always fun to read an update. Glad to hear you are well & "busy". Keep at it, you are good at what you do!
Ps Thanks for the comments on our site, nice to know we have a few visitors. :)

Becky said...

Hi again! I'm almost certain life has you even busier now...Has preschool had it's registration/open house night yet?
Just thought I'd encourage you to write again...you have some readers anxiously awaiting an update:) Hope all is still well.
Blessings to you,

Mary said...

Finally?? Are you insane!? I have updated 3 times since your last post. I do believe it's your turn sister! :)

Mary said...


Mary said...

Yawn. Update please.


Becky said...

Ms. Julie,
I'm pretty sure you have many readers waiting to see how life is treating you lately :)

Hey, I was wondering if I could email you personally...? Let me know.
Happy Day to you,
Becky (Jace's Momma)

momof3 said...

Hi Becky,

my email is juliebrianscharber@hotmail.com and yes you can email me personally! That would be great:)