Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Liam's special day is today and he is loving it! This morning when he woke up I asked him if he felt older and he said "yes, I'm 4 now!" He's such an awesome kid we can't help but love him with every fiber of us!

Yesterday we took him to the science museum to see the Star Wars exhibit and he had a blast. His favorite thing was looking at all of the costumes and riding on this hovercraft thing.

Today he's out with Brian having some "daddy and me" time at the movie theater watching that new Star Wars cartoon movie that came out. Tonight we'll have some cake and open presents which is his most eagerly awaited activity:) I can't believe God blessed us with him four years ago amazing.

It's a bittersweet day for me as I always get a little sad on my babies birthdays. I love the birthdays because I know how special it is that God has blessed us with another healthy year with our children but then I get sad during them because it seems like Liam was just a chubby little baby a minute ago...what happened to the time?

1 comment:

Mary said...

Cute! happy birthday Liam. I can't wait to see him today! Hope you guys had fun, looks like you did!