Thursday, August 28, 2008

Am I ready?

It's now the dreaded Labor day weekend! I hate this weekend because it's my last lazy days with my children before we all go back to school and work:( How sad! I feel close to tears thinking about how I have to leave my kids to go back to work. I do love my job though and once I get back in the swing of things all will be well. I have to say again I really really love my job but after your home for 3 months it is really hard to just wake up one day and start your work schedule all over again.

Aurora and I went to her open house tonight and met the new principal and her new teacher for the year. Her teacher has such a beautiful spirit about her and Aurora instantly is clicking with her I'm so excited to see them click. Aurora asked her some great questions like "what is your favorite subject to teach kids?" her teacher said "art and science" which are Aurora's favorites:)

I asked the kids what their favorite part of the summer was and Liam's was playing outside and playing football outside with his family. Aurora's was being at home and spending time with her family. Carys' said something I didn't quite understand but I know she loved having us all home with her everyday! My favorite part was waking up and not having to go anywhere in particular just able to do what ever I wanted with my kids. I'd love to hear from some of you about your favorite parts of summer since I'm extremely negative towards winter I have to soak up all the summer memories I can:)


Barbara said...

I knew a lot of mom's that could hardly wait for school to start and I never felt that way. I loved having my kids around but I did look forward to structure after days without. I needed both the structured and non structured.
I hope Tuesday goes well for all your kids and you!

Mary said...

I hope you had a good day back! It was so much fun to see you guys yesterday. My favorite part of the summer was bringing Phili to the splash park in Princeton. He loved it, have you heard of it?

Mary said...

Am I ready? Ya, for a new post!!

Mary said...

Hellloooo, I thought we had a deal. I update my blog, you update yours?

Mary said...

Helllloooo. I know you have a few days off of work, where are you!