Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Summer time

It's amazing how I see less and less posts from every one during these beautiful summer months. Who wants to be on the computer typing! Well I have some free time since Carys is sleeping beautifully after her tormenting Dr.'s app. this morning, Liam is nursing a scrape on his knee that he got outside while running through the sprinklers and Aurora is nursing some splinters. So here I am with some tired, hurt, worn out kids and time to type:)

So update, Carys is officially 2. We went to the Minnesota Zoo and had a great time! We hardly ever go there because it's pretty spendy, but the kids love to go to the zoo and we've been to Como a ton. We went all out and brought a picnic lunch, rode the monorail, and went to the gift shop where all the kids got to pick out something it was really fun and a treat for everybody we were there for 4 hours.

Aurora will be 9 in about a week and for her birthday we're going to the Nickelodeon Universe at the Mall of America and out to eat at the Olive Garden afterward. Of course Carys won't be going to the Nick Universe because she's too young to ride the rides so she'll get to do something else with Grandma and meet us up at Olive Garden later.

Liam will be 4 in August. Do you see the trend? All summer babies June, July, and August. I'm so envious of their summer bdays' I hate my winter one! Well I'm posting some pics from the zoo enjoy this hot hot day I love it!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Carys is going to be 2!!!!!

On Saturday we will celebrate my Care-Bear's birthday! How crazy, I can't believe that the year has gone by so fast. She went from barely talking and hardly walking at the end of June last year to constantly talking and running, jumping, swinging, rolling down hills, and so much more. We'll thank God for giving Carys such great days up to now and pray for many more. Right now we're planning to go to the zoo because Carys loves animals! We went to my parent's farm today and it was so much fun to watch Carys laugh and laugh as the horse took grass and hay from her hand. She thought that was the funniest thing and it put a smile on my face and every one else:) I haven't even picked out a cake for her :S oh my! We're not really doing a party with extended family just a fun day with us and who ever wants to stop over that night or the next definitely can. I have to go pick out some presents for my little chica which isn't hard considering she LOVES every thing right now. So far I have a princess toy cd player and a princess shovel for her and I'll pick out a few more things, but simple is best I don't want to go crazy with gifts for a 2yr. old who would love a box of rocks. Really she would...she plays with the rocks outside all day!

oh yeah Happy Father's day to my Dad who's the best in my eyes! And also to my husband who's a fantastic father to our 3 gifts from God. Also, to my Grandpa! What great men I have in my life I could go on and on:)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Employment Opportunity

I'm not sure if anyone who reads my post is interested, but I know people who read my post are family and friends of either mine or Mary's so...if anyone loves to teach and is qualified as a preschool teacher or maybe you have someone awesome in mind who loves God and is full of faith check out my preschool's blog for info on how to apply. It's a FT preschool job with summers off and they would have almost the best boss ever since the best boss ever was mine and she moved on to a school that needed her help, but I mean I am the next best thing to that ;) My school's blog is