Friday, March 6, 2009

Quick post!

I feel I've neglected my blog, can a blog be neglected?

I have been pretty busy, but the business has an end in sight as we move from winter to spring and shortly after spring I get to stay home all summer with my wonderful kids!!! I'm extremely excited!

I'm sorry for not posting more but every time I'm on the computer it's school work or updating my preschool's blog, which needs to be done tonight sometime...

We're teaching a bible study again at my preschool starting in April so I'm very excited for that, if anyone is interested email me and I can give you the details.

The kids are all great, but cranky today, Liam isn't feeling well and they need spring to come! I need spring to come.

I've been back and forth on whether or not to visit Florida (my Grandpa's house) this summer, I still cry easily over it and I am completely not even close to over it, but if I don't go I think I will regret it...but it will be different and maybe I'm not ready to face it with out him...

Have a great weekend, and I'll try to blog more!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Busy and loving it!!!!!!

I am soooo busy, but loving it! I love the challenges of work, school, and parenthood. I don't know what I'd do with out some obstacles in life.

At work I'm preparing for our open house/registration night, it's a very busy couple of months because I'm registering current families for next year, church families, and of course new families. There's a lot of paperwork, tours, and calls to be returned...but it's fun. I love the reputation our preschool has and it thrills me that we fill up fast, but also makes me sad that I can't give everyone a spot for their child. I'm trying to get an expansion approved so that we can add on more classes...I'll find out more later on this month.

At school I started some new classes that require using the DSM, so I'm pretty excited about it because I'll be able to learn about a ton of different mental disorders and how to record and observe them:)

At home surprisingly quiet...for now!

Christmas was very quiet. We didn't go anywhere. We didn't even get dressed, but stayed in our pj's all day and played games. It was fun, but of course missing someone very special. A couple days before Christmas my Grandpa's china hutch was delivered here and that was a really hard day. It smells like him and his house, I just stuck my head in it and smelled it throughout the day, I'm still doing that! I hope it never stops smelling like smells like Florida to me. It was a great day though and we had a very yummy ham dinner at night. The kids all loved their presents, which we kept pretty simple. I hope you all had a great Christmas!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mary tagged me...

The rules are to go to your 6th pic folder and upload your 6th pic on to your blog and tell a story about it.

This was in Ft.Walton Beach, Florida, where my Grandpa lived...the best place ever! This is Liam, Aurora, and my niece Autumn. We were on the bay side of the Gulf of Mexico, it's one of THE places I have to visit every day I'm there and where I went all the time as a little girl with my family. It's called Choctawhatchee Bay and it's right across HWY 98. If you want to play in the waves though you drive across the HWY to the Gulf Side, but at the time of this pic Carys was only 1 and she didn't like the big waves. The bay side is quiet, calm, and so clear.

Behind the picture...the kids had a HUGE hole in the white sand filled with hermit crabs and Carys loved it.

Brian was there also, and we did invite my Grandpa to go but he and my mom were running errands, post office, legion, etc.

I'm always really happy when I'm there so this was a good day.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

This is a time for celebration?

Don't get me wrong I love the holidays, but this year it's different. This year when my kids ask me what I want I tell them I want my Grandpa back. It's the only honest thing I can say. Not long ago when Brian and I were tucking Liam in he said "Mom, is Grandpa John dead forever?" I said "yes, Grandpa John is in Heaven forever." Then Liam goes on to say "Grandpa John isn't supposed to be dead yet." and I being the honest person I am said "I know dammit, he's not."

That's how I feel, I feel like he's still in Florida, I'm going to visit him this summer with my family like I always do. He's going to laugh at us when we say we're going to the beach and ask if he's coming with. He's going to be smoking his pipe in his red flannel or yellow polo (depending on the weather) out on his porch every morning I get up. He's going to creep around the house at 6 a.m. trying not to wake anyone up. He's going to take us to the waffle house to eat breakfast and on our last day there he's going to take us to the Crab Trap to eat supper. He's going to keep replacing the towel my kids knock off of his beautiful coffee table and he's going to be there to hug and kiss goodnight every night we're there. He's going to be there in Florida because that's where he's supposed to be. And this Christmas I'll get a card with a long letter in it like always from my favorite and only Grandpa. I'll print off a ton of pictures of my family to mail to him also with a very long letter eagerly talking about visiting over the summer.

That of course is not going to happen, but I feel like it should. I don't feel like it's right. Something isn't right about the holidays this year. I hurt for my mom and my Uncle who lost their Dad, I hurt for all of us who lost a Grandpa, I hurt for the great-grandchildren who lost their Great-Grandpa. I feel selfish and hurt for me.

I have so many fond memories to look back on, but some days they're not fond they just make me sad. I'm thankful I have a pipe of his to smell, I'm thankful I have his favorite red flannel to wear, I'm thankful for all the memories, but I'm still angry that he's not here.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Am I ready?

It's now the dreaded Labor day weekend! I hate this weekend because it's my last lazy days with my children before we all go back to school and work:( How sad! I feel close to tears thinking about how I have to leave my kids to go back to work. I do love my job though and once I get back in the swing of things all will be well. I have to say again I really really love my job but after your home for 3 months it is really hard to just wake up one day and start your work schedule all over again.

Aurora and I went to her open house tonight and met the new principal and her new teacher for the year. Her teacher has such a beautiful spirit about her and Aurora instantly is clicking with her I'm so excited to see them click. Aurora asked her some great questions like "what is your favorite subject to teach kids?" her teacher said "art and science" which are Aurora's favorites:)

I asked the kids what their favorite part of the summer was and Liam's was playing outside and playing football outside with his family. Aurora's was being at home and spending time with her family. Carys' said something I didn't quite understand but I know she loved having us all home with her everyday! My favorite part was waking up and not having to go anywhere in particular just able to do what ever I wanted with my kids. I'd love to hear from some of you about your favorite parts of summer since I'm extremely negative towards winter I have to soak up all the summer memories I can:)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Funny of the day!

And the funniest comment of the day award goes to (drum roll) Mary!

Mary: "That's a pretty ring, is it new?"
Me: "No it's not new it's my Mother's ring"
Mary: "Oh, why isn't she wearing it?"
Me: (laughing) "It's not my mom's ring it's my mother's ring, ya know with all my children's birth stones"
Mary: (laughing) "I was wondering why you called her your "mother" and not your "mom""

This is why we love Mary, because even though that was actually a quite easy mistake to make she makes it cute and endearing when other people could just make that comment annoying! You make me smile Mary:) What a great friendship we have!